Light Language, Starseeds and the Galactics

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During this podcast episode, we talk to the wonderful Riya Loveguard whose purpose on Earth is to activate and lead starseeds, lightworkers, healers, creatives and conscious entrepreneurs through the bridge of their divine mission, and into full alignment with their soul’s purpose.

She is using the modality of galactic sound technology and has been nicknamed ‘a galactic linguist’ since she can speak multiple extra-terrestrial light languages, such as Andromedan, Arcturian, Lyran, Avian and Feline, Sirian and Pleiadian as well as languages of ancient civilisations such as Lemuria and Atlantis.

Riya has also gained the mastery to determine other people’s light language origins, just by listening to audio recordings. She regularly conducts light language activations to awaken the ability in her students to speak light languages. Her transmissions encompass powerful and expansive galactic frequencies that holistically unleash your full divine potential and empower you as you navigate this 3-d reality. 


  • Riya tells us how she loves the concrete aspect of light language and the way it enters our reality through sound, and she shares the beginnings of her own journey out of the spiritual closet, having been able to channel light language for over 15 years. Riya talks about her former life as a stressed-out entrepreneur and how she began to learn meditation and Mindfulness, which was how things began to shift. She feels this opened her mind so that when the Arcturians contacted her, she was open to communicating. When her brand and business collapsed and her old life was no more, she knew she had her guides with her and was able to move forward on her spiritual path. 

  • Sally discusses how we move from 3-d to 5-d and the different ways this can happen, and Riya believes that people’s experiences depend on how open they are in the first place. For her, it was more like a revolution whereas for some spiritual workers it might be a more graceful process.  She says the transition doesn’t have to be dramatic, and it’s all about a shift in consciousness. 

  • We talk about light language being a process of channelling energy in the form of sound, and how the use of the word ‘language;’ can be misleading. Riya references speaking in tongues as a better way of understanding it. She gives us a demonstration of two different light languages, which illustrates that some sound a little like existing human languages, whereas others are more of a collection of sounds. Our souls understand it, even if we cannot translate consciously. 

  • Sally asks whether we have this feeling of remembering when we hear light language because we may have been star seeds in an alternative or past existence. Riya agrees and points out that we don’t always react the same way to different light languages.  We discuss how remembering is a huge part of the ascension process, because we have always had these abilities and they have just been lying dormant. Riya says that our consciousness is upgrading, but our history goes much further back than we are taught. 

  • Riya describes a message she keeps getting from extra-terrestrials that we don’t realise how powerful we are – in the West we tend to throw away our ancestry and our history rather than building on their knowledge, thereby giving away our power. Upgrading our consciousness leads us to sovereignty and freedom, which makes us more difficult to manipulate and control. Our current systems are designed to churn out compliant members of society. Riya describes two awakenings – one to the existence of the matrix, and one on a spiritual level.  

  • Sally shares her own spiritual journey and awakening to the matrix, and Riya describes how she believes that all the systems talk to one another in a web of oppression. We talk about the need for the spiritual connection in order to deal with the other revelations about society. In Chinese metaphysics, Period 9 is an age of fire – 20 years – a period of technological progress and things coming into the light. The so-called ‘woo woo’ will become mainstream - Riya says the time is now to come out of the spiritual closet! 

  • Riya talks more about Chinese Metaphysics and how they impact upon this year – there are two animals clashing, so it will be an eruptive and disruptive year, but in a good way. Sally talks about collective awakening and how things must crumble before that can happen.  She talks about the expansiveness of consciousness, and Riya reminds us that our physical body sometimes needs to catch up with the reprogramming in our consciousness.  

  • Sally asks about energy work and protection, and Riya reminds us that being an empath is a gift and not a curse. She shares a practice she teaches called ‘creating a closed circuit’,  which is basically connecting different chakras in order to control the energy links and not taking on other people’s energy. You can also just be aware that you are sensitive and embrace the positives of being so. This ability will give you an edge.  Riya uses the analogy of a ball pit, and how we should bounce off each other, but instead we create energy loops and hooks - and it can be a bit messy! 

  • We discuss intentions and permissions and how we must be more mindful of our energetic bodies. Sally mentions the mental health crisis and how energy dynamics are a big part of this. Riya talks about tools for happiness, and how this human experience is difficult and revered by other races. The adversity we face builds compassion. It’s okay to admit that things are not quite right – we don’t need to carry on regardless anymore.  

  • Riya discusses the galactics who are acting as guides – they don’t come uninvited, and they don’t intervene with free will. She says we must open our minds to this vast Universe – there is so much more to be discovered. The galactics are helping us to find our way home. More and more of us are making connections with our past/parallel lives perhaps as galactics ourselves, and opening our minds, which makes it safer for them to make contact. Starseeds can come in all shapes and forms, and physically are human but your consciousness may ‘remember’ lifetimes beyond earth. The veil is getting thinner, particularly for children and young people who are remembering other lives.  

  • Sally asks – what about our soul mission? Riya says it’s about unlearning and rediscovering. She says that a soul contract is more of an alignment blueprint - not a legal agreement! She helps people, particularly entrepreneurs, let go of fears and limitations so they can make a living using their gifts. Most of us do know what our mission is, but we may be afraid of embracing it. Also, your calling doesn’t have to be ‘spiritual’ - it could be anything that ignites your passion. Your heart knows what you came here for, and rather than it being a sacrifice, it will be something that brings you joy. Sally talks about her music and how her spirituality is coming through her compositions, and Riya reminds us that music and anything creative can crack us open to joy. We all have our part to play – be it on the stage or in the background! 

To find out more about Riya you can visit her website: or find her on Instagram, Facebook and Linkedin amongst other platforms.


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