The Power of Love

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During this podcast episode, we talk about the many different kinds of love. Among other things, we discuss the meaning of universal love, how energy dynamics can affect the way in which we love a partner, the power of unconditional love and how to connect to the heart more effectively in your day-to-day life. Sally leads a beautiful meditation, which you can take part in at home.

the power of love

  • We start with a little sing song, because after all love is the inspiration for so many songs! Do you remember Haddaway’s classic ‘What is Love?’ or are we showing our age...?! Sally ventures that, in romantic relationships, love can get a bad rap sometimes, particularly if you have been heartbroken in the past. Sibby talks about the different layers of love, and how the way in which we love a partner can change with each relationship depending on the person. Also, why do we break up even if we still love a partner – why is love not always enough? 

  • We talk about the unconditional love in families and how you can also have a soul family made up of friends. Sometimes in a romantic relationship, because we are scared of being hurt, we may hold love back. Energy dynamics will also be at play in all relationships, even if love is the foundation. We discuss loving our children, but also how parenting can test the relationship between you and your partner. 

  • Sally talks about how the act of love and opening your heart can make you feel vulnerable and – even though vulnerability is a strength – you may feel exposed and scared. You may feel open to shadow stuff or the pain of past experiences. The ego sometimes makes it difficult to truly open our hearts.  

  • Sibby discusses universal love: how the only way she thinks we will truly ascend and save the earth and humanity is through love. She describes the process of dropping into your heart to make decisions, and wonders if we as a race could do this more, perhaps the world could be very different. We talk about the universality of being human, and how, whoever we are, we ALL have the capacity to love. We wouldn’t harm each other if we were led by our hearts.  

  • Sally asks – do we choose whether to love or not? Do some people decide not to love? Sibby suggests that all anyone wants is to be loved, and questions whether that is what lies behind all of our actions. It may be disguised as wanting power, money or control. Is love at the heart of it? We discuss war and how as individuals if we can access the love within, we can cause a tipping point towards love rather than fear. Sally says that it helps if we can use our inner discernment to make decisions and lead our lives. We reference our North Star or inner compass, as discussed with the marvellous Tim Elliott on our recent episode ‘Finding Your North Star’. 

  • Sally points out that fear has a huge role to play. We discuss fear-based structures and how these need to be brought down in order to open up the freedom to love universally. She talks about actions being from a place of love or a place of fear, and how we have been in a fearful place and that makes it difficult to operate from a place of love – but the scales are tipping! We talk about the importance of being sovereign and being able to assert our individual freedom.

  • We talk about how we are designed to love, not just to desire love from others. Sibby describes loving as a gift, and Sally shares a beautiful poem she wrote about what love is, and what it is not. This leads us to talk about small acts such as smiling at someone, or small moments in nature which fill you with the energy of love. We discuss kindness to others, and how this is a transaction or an expression of love. We talk about how you can love selflessly, but Sally points out that we also must love ourselves. We discuss that sometimes subconsciously when we over give, we may be doing it to get something back – love or acceptance. Sibby ventures that the most selfless act is to love yourself, because that way you aren’t looking to others to provide you with love. Sally says that intention is so important.  

  • Sally describes the immense power in loving and accepting someone anyway, even when you see their flaws: how this is about being seen and not judged. Sibby talks about her first experience of the Metta Bhavana meditation, where you send an equal amount of compassion to someone you love, someone you are indifferent to and someone you find difficult. She explains how non-attachment isn’t about not caring but rather about not being held down by needs and wants. We discuss how wonderful it is that human beings are capable of loving their enemy as they love their friend.  

  • Sally believes that human beings are here to transmute and transcend limitations and experience the power of loving one another. She describes being broken as allowing the light in – and how although we must go through a healing process, after that it can be a loving act to use your own pain to help others. We talk about forgiveness being another aspect of love. The ability we have as humans to love goes beyond the one-to-one relationship. 

  • Sibby talks about her desire to lead a heart-led life and Sally offers advice on how to drop in to listen to your heart. We describe the difference between thinking and feeling – using our heads rather than our hearts - and quietening down the 'shoulds’. Sally says that connecting to your heart space is a practice, and leads us in a beautiful meditation to help us connect to our hearts and tune in. Sibby shares RJ Spina’s idea of the mind being the periscope of the submarine, while your actual self is the person inside the submarine: you’re not the periscope! If we think of our hearts as our centre, then the mind is just something we use to observe what’s going on outside.  

  • We remember the wonderful Jo Stockdale, who shared on one of our episodes how the heart has its own intelligence and can pattern on another person through a concrete wall. If your heart is filled with love, you can influence others in a loving way. Referencing RJ Spina again, Sibby also points out that when we talk about ‘me’, we point to our hearts not our heads. Sally shares how the angels helped her when she was at rock bottom and desperately needed to be seen and loved, and Sibby reminds us that if we can’t find or see the love in our lives right now, we can ask for help – because there is always love for you somewhere. 

heart-led meditation

This is just over 7 minutes (it’s part of the podcast episode, however if you’d like to just experience or try this guided meditation, please click below.


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