Master The Basics Of Manifesting

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During this podcast episode, we talk to the wonderful Jackie Frith, who is passionate about guiding women through the fundamentals of manifesting. With straightforward, step by step strategies, Jackie empowers people to move from feeling lost at the beginning of their manifesting journey to becoming super confident and clear about their direction. Jackie first had a taste of a spiritual awakening back in 2004, following a car accident where despite writing the car off, Jackie was left completely unharmed. This was the start of her journey into the Law of Attraction, angels and working with spirit. She has a background in sales and having climbed the corporate ladder, she came out of the other side into spiritual and soul-based work. Jackie is also a qualified Reiki Master, crystal healer, Law of Attraction practitioner and holds a Level 3 certificate in Understanding Mental Health, and a Level 3 Award in Education and Training.  


  • Jackie shares how she has gone from non-believer to teacher, having been a complete sceptic regarding anything spiritual. A car accident acted as a catalyst for Jackie realising that something was missing in her life. She shares how that day the word ‘accident’ kept popping into her head, but she went on with her journey only to lose control of her car in the fast lane on the M6 on a Friday night. Her car spun across the motorway and landed in a ditch, but she didn’t have a scratch on her. This led her to the belief that a higher power was looking after her that day. Jackie went on to feel that something was missing and ended up experiencing psychometry and visiting a white witch for guidance. She began to recognise her own spirituality and to investigate manifesting for herself.

  • Jackie started to utilise positive thinking in her life, which led her to study the Law of Attraction and then angels and crystals. She still maintains a sceptical outlook because she has a logical brain but feels this is a benefit rather than a hindrance when you’re on a spiritual path. She believes what we think is what we bring into our lives. The Secret brought manifesting to the fore, and Jackie found people coming to her to learn how to manifest.  

  • Jackie identifies the importance of focusing on how you want to feel and not the material things – it's about manifesting the life you want to lead, rather than the material elements. Sibby shares her learnings from Mike Dooley, and how he focuses on vibration rather than getting hung up on specifics, because the Universe will have that or something better. We discuss his notion of ‘the cursed hows’, and how we need to trust the Universe to provide, otherwise we are coming from a place of desperation. Jackie recommends us we can be specific but also let the Universe do its thing: the moment has to be right.  

  • We discuss how when trying to manifest a partner, think of the qualities someone has regardless of what they look like or what they do for a living. Focusing on aligning values and you will attract the right person for you. Jackie says regarding timing and setting a date for something to be manifested can backfire, because the Universe may have other plans. We discuss divine timing, and how things arrive when they are meant to. Jackie believes that one of her own life lessons is to learn patience and to let go of lack – because lack is a low vibration and prevents manifesting.  

  • Sally brings up the darker side of manifesting, which encourages people to value material wealth or belongings, which Jackie feels can remove the spirituality from the process. She reminds us that we are always manifesting – and also that we will still experience challenges: it's how we deal with those challenges that matters. Sometimes there is a reason behind the challenge that we cannot see. Jackie speaks of the sub-conscious mind and how it is in charge 95% of the time. It’s about working with the sub-conscious to change our limiting beliefs.  

  • Sibby shares her experience with a stomach issue that has finally shifted her behaviour and sub-conscious patterning, and Jackie reminds us that physical symptoms are often related to blockages and our chakras being out of balance. She tunes in to Sibby’s creative blocks and lack of confidence in those areas –and gets it spot on! Jackie shares her Manifesting Good Health challenge, in which she encourages participants to talk to their pain and send positive vibrations to it. Many of the women have experienced major shifts in their energy and found reframing their health issues using positive language and frequency really powerful. 

  • Jackie reminds us that it can be challenging to change our thoughts, and it may not happen overnight. We are looking at changing long-term beliefs, which could be from childhood, or generational or even ancestral. Sally talks about how Western medicine focuses on what is ‘wrong’ and how can we fix the symptoms, rather than your body talking to you and communicating through pain as Jackie points out. However, it is not our fault that we are ill, and we shouldn’t take that on as it can be very unhelpful – but we can feel empowered to heal by looking at our lives, feelings and vibrations.  Jackie talks about Source energy and our higher self – we are all God and co-creators of our lives, and God is within us. The more we connect to that part of us, the more chance we can heal.  

  • Sally talks about her healing journey with angel energy, and how she received the love and compassion from this angelic connection. Jackie points out that we all have that spiritual connection and sixth sense – because we are all spirit! It’s just that in some people it is dormant, hence how awakenings can occur through sometimes traumatic events.  We talk about how formal religion has tried to make us think that God is external and a superior force to be worshipped. Jackie talks about the power of ‘I am’ - and talking as though you already have all that you desire. If you affirm negative beliefs using ‘I am’ that also has great power – so we need to take care how we are using it. 

  • We talk about the power of affirmations to raise your frequency, and how neuroscience backs up this process: we can self-sabotage if we operate from a fear that has been stored in the subconscious. Jackie describes how to reframe negative beliefs into positive statements. She shares a wow story of the time when she was about to lose her driving licence and she was led to take inspired action to stop this from happening – with the magical help of the Universe! 

You can connect with Jackie on her website where you can join her new Divine Manifesters Circle and get hold of her free ‘8 Step Process for Manifesting’. You can also find Jackie on Facebook, YouTube and Instagram as @jackie_frith. 


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