Spiritual Awakening and the Ascension Process

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In this episode, we are joined by the gorgeous Emma Sullivan from Empowered Holistics. Emma has been on a rich spiritual journey which all started from a combination of being an Empath in a somewhat turbulent childhood, taking her training as a Reiki practitioner at 18 and using energy healing since then, adapting her practice intuitively. She’s also trained in Hypnotherapy, NLP Coaching, and Timeline Therapy and has built on those teachings to incorporate all she’s learned, not to mention she’s been a tarot reader for the last 20 years too!


  • Emma began her spiritual journey when she was 16 or 17 having always had a sense of seeing and feeling energy. This caused her problems as a teen, because her heightened sensitivity meant she found it difficult to separate the energy of others from her own. At the time, Emma was looking after her Mum who suffered with mental health problems but was also a gifted psychic. Although Emma realised later that the cause of her Mum’s problems was that she was unable to protect her energy, sadly at the time she was put on anti-depressants which then led to her death. Emma became passionate about people taking control of their own health and understanding how to take care of their own energy without relying on pharmaceuticals. After taking anti-depressants herself for ten years and then coming off them, she had a spiritual awakening and felt called to share her knowledge with others in order to alchemise the grief and pain she had experienced into something positive.  

  • We discuss how a spiritual awakening is not all rainbows and unicorns and can completely rock your world, but Emma says it’s important to keep your feet on the ground whilst remaining open. We talk about how children and young people these days have much more access to spiritual tools and self-care as they are more mainstream. We discuss about the push and pull between current systems and how things could be, particularly in societal systems such as education. We are reaching a tipping point where things are shifting, but the intensity can be very uncomfortable! Emma sees this as a weeding process: pulling them out by the roots – it's hard work but it’s what is needed. Things may look better on the surface, but they need addressing underneath in order to create real change. We’re like onions with a seemingly never-ending number of layers! 

  • Emma shares that trust and surrender are key, especially at the moment, and she helps many of her clients to let go of the things that are no longer serving them in order to make room for the new. Emma discusses the contrasts we see in our day to day lives as well as on a global scale, and believes we are being much more sensitive to the ripples taking place on the planet. Even people who don’t consider themselves to be ‘spiritual’ know that things are changing.  

  • She talks about her Timeline Therapy, which uses hypnosis to allow the client to visualise their conscious awareness in a timeline, and then remove core negative beliefs such as anger. This takes the negative charge away from the original trauma helping her clients to see it from a different perspective, so it is not attached to other, smaller traumas. Under Emma’s guidance and through her connection with the client’s higher self, this can promote powerful healing. She explains that as with any type of healing, you need to be open and genuinely wanting to heal. She also urges people to be careful that the practitioner you go to genuinely wants to help you and has the right intention.  

  • We talk about the blurred lines between mental illnesses and spiritual awakenings; perhaps in some cases we may not be depressed or chemically imbalanced, but in fact our energy and frequency are changing. It is so important to have the right people around you at these moments of crisis, who may be able to point you in a direction of healing which traditionally may not have been available. As Emma points out, not everything is spiritual but also not everything is mental. Unfortunately, the medical world can sometimes make us feel we have no other choice but to pop a pill. Often if we can look inside, we have the power to heal ourselves or find the answers.    

  • With regards to the ascension process and our own spiritual awakenings, Emma believes the most important thing is to have compassion for ourselves. Everything can feel different, but we must be gentle and forgiving with ourselves. Given time, we will start to adjust but, in the meantime, it’s important to find our soul tribe to share it with. Emma describes how her own anxiety only improved when she stopped fighting against it and welcomed it in. We talk about how movement and expression is vital for transmuting energy – we should sit with the feelings and move with the feelings! 

You can find Emma here: www.emma-sullivan.com, on Facebook as Empowered Holistics, or by attending one of her local workshops or her regular Circle, which she runs in her home county of Dorset.  


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