Dancing Your Soul Awake
We are joined by the wonderful Katie Holland, award winning sacred dance therapist and creator of Awakened Belly Dance. She is a renowned professional dancer with a passion for self-empowerment and self-initiation through conscious movement. She shares with us her powerful and quite dramatic spiritual awakening, what a kundalini awakening really is, how she came to create Awakened Belly Dance which saw her leaving her old life to start a new one and many other experiences Katie has had and witnessed. Katie believes that “all movement is divine when the heart is danced awake”. What a glorious concept!

Step Into Your Multidimensional Self
Do you ever think of yourself as a multidimensional being? Probably not your first thought as you go through life but our special guest Manya Welch joins us to talk about just that! The power we have as individuals to create and connect with the unseen or formless energies around us and how we can use this in a beneficial way.

Activating Your Soul Mission
A modern day oracle serving as a spiritual business mentor and soul channel - Natalia Komis, joins us for a discussion on activating your soul mission. Not to be missed if you’ve been curious about yours and want to know more about how to activate it, what energies need to be present and the three questions you need to be mindful of when thinking about your soul mission. You might even have more than one!