My Journey Inward: The Path To Self-Love
Podcast, Self-love, Inner journey Sally-anne Marler Podcast, Self-love, Inner journey Sally-anne Marler

My Journey Inward: The Path To Self-Love

Harvest Harris-Jones joins us to talk about her Heartfelt Practice where she interweaves, Shamanic, Reiki and Yoga practices using the power of nature to help empower and transform women to be their authentic radiant selves. She talks about her own healing journey and how she was able to transform her life from being totally disassociated and traumatised and stuck in a job she didn’t like feeling extremely depressed to the success story of where she is at now…have a listen to find out more!

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Your Body Remembers What You Forget
Podcast, physical body, somatics Sally-anne Marler Podcast, physical body, somatics Sally-anne Marler

Your Body Remembers What You Forget

How can the practice of Somatics help you achieve a pain free body? Integrating neuroscience and how the body-brain communicate gives a fuller perspective of how the body ‘banks’ a physical holding pattern of tension which can result in one of the three reflex patterns our guest speaker Liz Underwood shares with us as well as misalignment and pain throughout the body. A gentle starting point is to become more aware of your body - sensing yourself within. This podcast is jam packed full of aha moments, tips and Liz’s expertise to hep you understand the benefits of this practice and how you can start to work in this way at home.

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