May The Voice Be With You!

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In this episode, we are joined by the gorgeous Hannah Fay Sharples, a signed singer-songwriter, who incorporates her channelled healing vocalisations within her healing sessions, which include hypnotherapy, NLP coaching, shadow alchemy, trauma spotting through source tapping and vocal coaching. Hannah has had releases on UK, Spanish and Ukrainian record labels and many of her lyrics are inspired by her healing work. 


  • We asked Hannah when she first began to tread the healing path, and she shares a memory of singing in a field as a young girl after experiencing her parents’ divorce, the loss of her mum and also the upheaval of a house move. Music has always been a healing factor in her life, from playing the recorder at primary school to now singing in front of live audiences and using music to heal others. Singing helped Hannah to feel more solid after all the trauma she had experienced at a young age. She also had counselling, which was facilitated by her school, and this opened her eyes to a desire to feel better and a greater awareness of grief. 

  • Later in life, Hannah lost her father and she continued with psychotherapy. It was around this time that she manifested winning a competition at Olympia in London. The prize was an all-expenses paid NLP course in Paris. All Hannah had to pay for was the travel, and as luck would have it, she had previously won a travel voucher which covered it! She loved the course, and her trainer told her that she was meant to be there. Hannah’s increased awareness opened her eyes to bullying and harassment that was going on in her workplace, so she won a case against her employers and set up on her own. 

  • NLP was a lightbulb moment for Hannah, and it allowed her to begin finding answers within herself. She went on to invest in a hypnotherapy qualification and found this the perfect complement to NLP. Hannah experienced the power of hypnotic language for herself as part of the training and found it to be life changing. She reminds us that the client is in full control during a hypnotherapy session and says not to be scared off by stage hypnotism, which is completely different.  

  • We talk once again about the layers of the onion and how it takes more than just one session to tackle these layers, particularly the stubborn ones! Hannah shares how in hypnotherapy and trauma spotting there is often a layer which keeps coming back, albeit sometimes in a different guise. She talks about the spiral around a trauma and how it can keep popping up, although your healing journey may be at a different stage.  

  • We ask Hannah about shadow alchemy, which she trained in after being mugged. She refers to the work of Caroline Myss, who uses archetypes to look at our shadow selves and figure out what is at play – for example, child, victim, saboteur and prostitute. Hannah reminds us that if we are stuck in freeze or saboteur energy, movement can be a really powerful tool of release. Sally describes her own journey with saboteur and how she will sidestep so that she is at least taking some action, even if it isn’t directly towards the original task.  

  • We talk about being ‘neuro-spicy’ and how this can add to the mix, and Hannah recommends that even if you don’t know where to start, just do one thing. You can also be drained of energy in freeze because, as Sibby points out, freeze is a state of tension rather than stillness. Hannah says that in nature freeze can lead to fight or flight or lessen the hurt if we are being eaten by a predator! 

  • Hannah describes trauma spotting and the use of eye accessing cues which links back to NLP, tapping into the limbic system and into the body. Our trauma is stored in the body, and using these techniques we can identify triggers and the age of origin. This allows someone to release trauma somatically. Sally describes how as children we store these traumas and develop coping mechanisms which we need to recognise.

  • Hannah loves how in her work with shadow alchemy, you can use the four fear archetypes to identify trauma and then counteract these using the power archetypes of sovereign, warrior, magician and lover. She goes on to describe how it was through her love of music that she found healing after experiencing harassment. She took action towards releasing her music and taking that action helped her to step into a power archetype. Hannah blends all of her skills including source tapping – tapping into the source energy - with timeline therapy, which takes people back through their lives to look at the trauma that they’ve experienced.  

  • Sally reminds us that the body also holds so much wisdom and can teach us so much. In response, Hannah shares her experiences with suspected fibromyalgia and how trauma spotting has helped drastically. She also describes how her own body created a movement in her arm which ‘told’ her to remove her oestrogen patch, after she had experienced lots of anger whilst using HRT. Sally highlights the lack of knowledge over being oestrogen dominant and the effect it can have on women. We discuss the importance of researching nutrition and Sally describes the correlation with energy draining and low iron levels. It’s important to be aware of the potential flaws in some testing that is available to us, for example thyroid testing and iron levels.  

  • Hannah reminds us of the tools we can use to feel better, including movement, fresh air, singing or dancing so we can raise our base energy up and get stuff done. She believes the crux of most healing is knowing that we are enough. 

  • She shares how using her voice both in singing and hypnotherapy has felt so much freer since releasing blocks - her ego voice is no longer as loud as it was. Hannah enjoys bringing through healing vocalisations intuitively, and Sibby mentions how the healing power of sound feels so important right now and is coming up for many people. Even through performing her dance music, Hannah has the intention to uplift and bring happiness and joy. Once it’s no longer about ‘I’ or being a performer, it becomes about helping and healing others.  

If you would like to connect with Hannah, you can find her on Facebook as Hannah Fay Sharples or on her website:, where you can sign up to receive a free 13-minute-long relaxation. Hannah is offering our listeners a free trauma spotting session – just quote Whispers of the Soul when you book! 


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