Remembering Your Inner Power

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On this episode Kev Bailey joins us, a healer and medium working for spirit, who uses a mixture of kinesiology, crystals and energy therapies alongside shamanic healing techniques as well as sound and magnets. He likes to clear people’s emotional past before carrying out any physical fixes during a healing session.


  • Kev’s journey and eventual interest in healing began at a difficult point of time in his life, when Kev’s father passed away. Prior to this he had a challenging relationship with his father which resulted in him moving out at a young age and eventually having a career in the army as vehicle mechanic for 12 years, helping him to get back on track. Following that he was a sales manager for many years. He did repair his relationship with his dad before he passed. So Kev began to seek ways in which to deal with the grief that was negatively impacting his well-being. He met with a medium who connected to Kev’s Dad and this is how he got interested in things like meditation and healing. But it was through reading the book “Angels in My Hair” by Lorna Byrne that Kev finally started to open himself up to this entirely new and refreshing outlook on life and the world. He became a believer.

  • He signed up for Sally Wathen’s meditation classes, spiritual healing, kinesiology, and crystal healing and went to see a shamanic healer where he had a profound healing. Kev was doing kinesiology part time whist he became an unofficial apprentice of the shamanic healer he had his healing with. He also signed up for a 1 year shamanic course. This is when Kev experienced a complete death and rebirth. His marriage ended, his job at Rolls Royce ended and he’s never looked back. He shares that his mum come through recently and she said he should start to develop mediumship which is what he’s been doing but his forte is always the healing side of things.

  • Kev has recently been led to Cathedrals and Abbey’s and places like that where he’s normally guided towards the bishops chair (as this is probably where the node point is) and starts clearing the energy ready for a web weaver to go back in and repair the lay-lines. He shares that he seems to be going where the knights templar have been. Lincoln cathedral was an example, where he discovered a side-room he was led towards. He also keeps seeing John the baptist coat of arms.

  • Kev believes that it takes something major to change people - or it can. People are waking up following a death of a loved one, or a major life event. Out of chaos comes order. Kev shares a few examples of the cafe in the community of Long Eaton called Lady Nene’s. How everyone is coming together, sharing knowledge and information and healing experiences. He feels that soul groups are coming together now in communities as well as online.

  • Kev explains that he uses kinesiology to work out what the emotion is and we talk about how our own vibration can affect what you attract with entities and/or attachments and how to clear them. Kev believes the biggest and most helpful things we can be doing at the moment, is enhancing our connection to source - prime creator, universal energies, however you want to call it. Going within, looking at yourself, sorting out your triggers and shadow side. Otherwise you bypass most of your lessons. You could be repeating cycles because you don’t know what it is.

  • He also speaks about people going out there trying to wake everyone up, but not everyone is contracted to wake up or they don’t want to through free will and are happy in their 3D world. Everyone can wake up at different times, for some people it might be gradual, for others it might be sudden, but not everyone will.

  • Right now with everything going on, we need all hands on deck! We need everyone who may be classed currently as ‘alternative’ to help people heal their bodies, mind and soul. Kev shares some stories of what he has experienced working with others. He also mentions Rebecca Barron, author of One Set Of Footprints who shares he unique story. We are all unique and individuals and are finding our way to show up and be true to ourselves. Kev also shares a few sessions where he’s given people a ‘zapping’ to help their body heal. In his shamanic healing work, he works with a female brown Bear which in Native American healing traditions, is one of the most powerful medicines you can work with.

To find out more about Kev (his nickname is Bear) you can visit his website:, he travels the country and has venues in the North West, also in Glastonbury, Leicester, Nottingham and Derby. The best thing to do is ring Kev and you can have a chat with him over the phone.


Birthing A New Found Consciousness