Birthing A New Found Consciousness

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On this episode, we are joined by Sally Francis, a complimentary therapist, tutor of accredited courses, tarot reader, medium, kinesiologist and healer with an interest and expertise in metaphysics. She is also a published author with her latest book, Over the Rainbow to a New Found Consciousness, talking about finding out who you are in the process of ascension of Earth. It documents the spiritual evolution of human kind from the earliest ancestors of differing cultures around the world and explores the metaphysics of illness, our personal development through understanding ourselves and our ability to connect with the Universal Principals.


  • We start off by talking about Sally’s book. She’s written lots of courses over the years on crystal and spiritual healing, psychic development and mediumship and wanted to put all of what she has learned over the years in a book. Sally believes that what you think is what you create in your life. She has a deep rooted understanding of Metaphysics of illness and Universal Laws and reminds us that our thoughts are important to keep your body healthy and strong. She is predominantly a healer of 35 years and has seen first hand how modern life creates stress, so Sally wanted to help people understand how to keep themselves calm. This is something that she talks about in her book which also has meditations to help the reader keep calm. We also discuss the chaos we see happening in the world and how how it is linked with the ascension of earth. This seems to be happening on a personal level for people as well as globally - the microcosm and macrocosm.

  • We talk about how there has been a lot of fear that can influence us collectively. This brings us onto the collective unconscious - the thoughts that are being put out into the world. Sally says we need to detach from it as best we can and not feed into any fears that are beyond our own control. She also believes that mental illness can be a result of being exposed to so much fear. It can be hard to understand that it’s not ours and that we are picking it up through the collective. Sally explains if you can meet up with your own inner self and higher self, this will help. Find where you end and where the other person starts.

  • Sally shares that one of her biggest learning curves has been that you can’t heal somebody else, you can only tell them how to heal themselves. She used to bust a gut to help others to be better but the person has to want to do it for themselves. It’s not about detaching from not wanting to help others but we must respect that everyone has their own journey and lessons and we can only truly help if that person wants the help in the first place and is willing to work at it.

  • Sally believes we come into this life to learn and grow here on Earth and sometimes we try to interfere with the other persons journey because we want them to be happy, but we have to let them do their journey. It’s hard, especially with people you love, to step back, but sometimes this is the most helpful thing you can do. Sally explains that in the book she really explores what unconditional love is, including unconditional love of the self. She says we are not very good at it for ourselves or in relationships. That’s one of the hardest things, to love someone for who they are and not who you want them to be.

  • We get to hear about Sally’s waffle ice-cream cone analogy, which is brilliant and basically speaks to the idea of thinking you have already learned a lesson but then you re-learn it at a different level and again and again, a bit like a spiral of learning.

  • We ask Sally to explain a little bit about Metaphysics. She tells us we are emotional people and we have emotions about things in our life. For example if we feel that we can’t move forward in life, then we might create a problem with a our foot or knee or hip so it physically stops you rom moving forwards. Sally gives a personal example of what happened to her when she broke her hip after her husband had been diagnosed with kidney failure and needed dialysis. She has helped many people discover the emotion behind the dis-ease.

  • Sally firmly believes that one of the greatest things you can do is to find out who you truly are, and loving who you are unconditionally. There’s a theory through the ascension of earth, that our energy system is changing. We are moving beyond the 7 chakras, and developing other chakras within the aura but outside of the body, that potentially can help us to have a deeper experience of our true self. Sally explains that people are getting disorientated about what is happening because of these changes and not everyone questions what this means or why it’s happening.

  • As we start to look back at ancient wisdom and understand the knowledge they had has been something of interest to Sally. She goes right the way back to the Upanishads and it was the yogis that meditated and found the energy centres of the body, they found 7 - no colour or musical note associated with them at the time. A fascinating piece of history that still has relevance today.

  • We also talk about the dawn of aquarius - what is happening as we move forwards? Sally explains it’s an astrological event, as the planets move it has an effect on earth. Some believe it foretells a shift beyond technological and medical innovations and calls for a better way of working with each other and a greater sense of community spirit. Aquarius is thought to be characterised by intelligence and coming together in an effort to create something for the greater good. It is all about collective responsibility. We will hopefully be learning how to be part of a larger system, as opposed to just caring about oneself and our immediate family.

To find out more about Sally or to work with her or do any of her courses, you can buy her book - it’s available to buy online - Over the Rainbow to a New Found Consiousness. It’s a personal and global new found consciousness. Her business page on Facebook is Sally Wathen at Rainbow Bridge.


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