How To Be Your Best Self

During this podcast episode we are joined by the wonderful Sally Race - owner of Acorn Natural Health Centre in Heanor. Sally provides Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy services, helping others to become their best self! Here are some of the key discussion points:


Sally started her career working for the NHS as an Occupational Therapist but soon became interested in learning more about hypnotherapy and the power of the mind. She used to have a very different view back then, only believing in heavily evidence based treatments and therapies. Now, she has become a lot more open to the idea of what it means to treat someone holistically and shares her views and experiences with us.

  • Sally found several syncronicities that led her to explore and learn about hypnotherapy and the difference it can make with anxiety and stress.

  • Something that she truly believes in is the holistic view that we are ‘whole people’ - there is rarely one simple answer and you need to consider all aspects. Your mind and body are completely interlinked and rely on each other, so trying to treat one and not the other won’t work.

  • Sally explains how the mind runs our body - our subconscious mind is like our supercomputer that stores everything - our beliefs, values, feelings and emotions. They all come from this part of our mind that sits in the background controlling everything. Most of our decisions come from our subconscious mind on autopilot.

  • Part of being your best self is about loving yourself. Loving your mind and body - treat yourself in the way you’d treat others. Sally shares a great tip - don’t save your ‘best’ for another day - treat everyday as your best day! It’s worth spending some time thinking about the thoughts that you tell yourself - don’t bully yourself by saying critical things, start to change how you speak to yourself. Be kind and loving at all times.

  • To be your best self you need to feel like you deserve the best. You deserve to eat well, feel that boost of energy by eating nutritious foods that your body will like. Sally points out this means not choosing with your mind - i.e. takeaway foods or food that is trending etc, but allowing your body to choose what it needs.

  • Being your best self make take a concerted effort to make the changes necessary but through repetition it is absolutely possible. Sally gives a great analogy when she explains that neural pathways are like pathways in a field - when you start to walk in a different direction you are creating a new path and start to flatten the grass in a new area. This might feel a bit more challenging to start with but if you do it for long enough the old ‘path’ will grow over. Repetition gets picked up by our subconscious mind - our subconscious mind is preprogrammed for repetition - it’s like it’s saying ‘I will save you the energy of repeating that over and over and bank it so you can do it on autopilot. However, it’s worth noting that the subconscious mind doesn’t recognise if it’s good or bad for us - we have to do that consciously for ourselves.

  • Another fascinating fact that Sally shares - is that when we change thoughts in our mind - it actually changes the physical make up of your brain, so it’s not just your thoughts that change, your brain actually changes physically! The power of our subconscious mind is incredible.

  • Sally’s top tip for being your best self is recognising the importance of self-belief and she shares her story where she made a personal break through and started to believe she could do what she wanted with her life.


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